Micro - Needling
What is SkinPen®
SkinPen by Bellus Medical is the only microneedling device in the world cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, clinically proven to safely and effectively treat facial acne scars for ages 22 and up.
With as few as three non-invasive and affordable treatments spaced 30 days apart, you can improve your appearance for six months after your last treatment – and step out with confidence.1

Home / Micro-Needling

​How Micro-Needling Works
The SkinPen Precision system is the only Class II, FDA cleared microneedling device legally marketing in the U.S.
The SkinPen microneedling device causes controlled micro-injuries that stimulate the body’s natural wound healing process. The micro-injuries trigger the release of cytokines and growth factors that lead to remodeling of collagen and elastin.1
There are three phases to the wound repair process:
Phase I: Inflammation. Piercing the skin triggers your immune system to disinfect the wounds, remove debris, increase blood flow and begin to create new tissue.
Phase II: Proliferation. The wound is re-built with new granulation cells, as well as a temporary (type III) collagen and elastin, which are part of the extracellular matrix. Additionally, a new network of blood vessels develops.
Phase III: Remodeling. The wound has been replaced with new dermal tissues and blood vessels. The type III collagen in the newly formed tissue is replaced with stronger type I collagen, which can contract to create a tightening or “shrink wrap” effect on the skin.
Features and Benefits
Microneedles trigger the body’s natural skin remodeling process that increases epidermal thickness, stimulates the extracellular matrix, and reduces inflammation. Translation: Microneedles by Bellus Medical fool your body into sending more restorative collagens and elastin than the area needs. That, when used with our post-procedure protocol Skinfuse®, improves your appearance more than is strictly necessary 2. Much more.